NMT 8 pic in textHistory

Original FAA Noise Monitoring System_Neal PhillipsThe first noise monitors were installed around DCA Reagan National in 1978 when the airport was operated by the FAA.

(Pictured:  Neal Phillips, Former FAA Metropolitan Washington Airports Analyst / Retired MWAA Noise Office Manager).

At Reagan National, a key FAA strategy for limiting aircraft noise exposure over the broader region is to maximize aircraft movements over water and minimize aircraft movements over more densely populated communities. FAA typically routes flights over the Potomac and Anacostia Rivers, consequently, many of the noise monitors are positioned along the river corridors.  Noise monitor locations were selected in consultation with member jurisdictions of the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments. 

The primary objective of the noise monitoring system is to monitor historical trends experienced in neighboring communities as the result of aircraft and community noise contributions.

Federal rules prohibit real-time measured noise levels to be used to audit, investigate or enforce the DCA Nighttime Noise Rule.  Please see DCA Nighttime Noise Rule for more details.


Noise Monitor Locations

  • Reagan National has 15 noise monitors.